Super Foods Resources
Super Foods and Anti-aging Resources

Anti-aging Introduction

Anti-aging research is advancing very rapidly. We will soon begin reaping the benefits of this research. Currently a few expensive and yet unproven anti-aging treatments are available but, as the research continues to pour in, the treatments will become more effective. As more competition develops in the dynamically exploding health supplement and anti-aging business sectors prices will start to drop.

For people who are past their prime and who want to reap the benefits of this research, it is more important now than ever to adjust their daily regime to include a solid nutritious diet, some moderate exercise, and a few supplements. It is also important to keep up with and utilize the latest advances in anti-aging research to  improve one's daily routine. This website was created with those ideas in mind. Keep informed and stay young!

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Super Foods and Nutrition Information Resources

Optimal Nutrition

The typical American diet, nutritionally speaking,  is woefully inadequate. The average lifespan in America can be significantly extended through improved nutrition. Changing your diet so it becomes more nutritious is one of the easier ways to help one live long enough to reap the benefits of ant-aging research. How can you do this?

Quite simply we need to reduce our caloric intake, increase our daily intake of fruits and vegetables, and lower our fat and grain consumption. Even with a "good" diet, it is probably impossible to get all the nutrients we require for opitmum nutrition. There is a distinction between essential nutrients and optimum nutrition. Experts say we require 50 to 100 essential human nutrients. They are essential because a deficiency in any of them will, over time, create visible symptoms of malnutrition.

Note:  detailed information about specific nutrients and super foods can be found at the web links (links are colored blue) embedded in the text that follows. If you really want to know more about superfoods take a few moments and visit these sites.

Most nutrition experts believe there are many non-essential nutrients that can benefit the human body.  The human body requires 100s (some  say 1000s) of interacting nutrients to function at its best. Optimum body health and performance are only possible if we have a good understanding of the ins and outs of nutrition. A partial list of most human nutrients can be found at: Human Nutrients.

A similar situation exists in the area of Super Foods. There are many foods that are touted as being  Super Foods. What are the "Ultimate Superfoods" and how beneficial are they? Since all foods have varying nutrition values, this question has many possible answers and the answers will vary a little depending on your individual nutritional needs, but there is absolutely no question that eating superfoods and possibly taking a few supplements can help you maintain your good health.

Most medical doctors only have a superficial knowledge of the basics of nutrition. That leaves only a few authorities that can give you easy to understand answers to these questions. One of my goals is help you educate yourself on the subjects of human nutrition and super foods.

If you look hard enough you will find that there are many less expensive product merchants than Amazon. I chose to focus more on providing useful information than on product marketing. To simplify website maintenance the only merchant I mention is Amazon.

Using Amazon has advantages. Products are frequently discounted and you can search products based on price. Pricing is very competitive because different Amazon vendors often list the same product at different prices. Products listed on Amazon have to meet certain quality standards before being marketed. Amazon customers can receive emails when products are discounted. A few products really are expensive so please do your own product pricing research.

Books about Human Nutrition

Human nutrition is a complex subject. The human body may require many 100s of nutrients to achieve optimum levels of health and physical performance. You need to have a good understanding of the science of human nutrition to make sense of all this. I recommend looking at a few of the popular and easy to understand books on human nutrition that appear below. Sometimes authors allow their books to be read for free. Click on the image of each book for more details.


Books about Super Foods

There are many foods that are "good" for you but are they Super Foods?  What Super foods are best for you?  Check out Ultimate Superfoods. Check out the popular and easy to understand books on Super Foods and related recipes that are shown below. Click on the image of each book for more details.



For more books about Human Nutrition or Super Foods click on the Amazon banner below. Using the search box at the top select books from the drop down menu. Search for Nutrition or Super Foods. A nother

This website strives to help maintain your good health through at least the next ten to fifteen years. By that time the fruits of anti-aging research should be available to everyone. Vibrant life spans may then be extended indefinitely. During this interim period we need to maintain our good health. My recommendations include daily: moderate exercise, a good diet (less calories, less fats, less grains), multi-vitamins, extra daily doses of vitamins C, D3, E, extra Omega-3,and the prudent use of anti-aging supplements.
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See 5 recipes of 11 Easy Super Foods Salad Recipes for free
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Read my anti-aging series of web articles:    Part1  Part2  Part3  Part4